Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Da - Presence lands in fedora

Finally, presence - that small video tool - has landed in the fedora-updates repo.

You can install it using:
$ sudo yum install presence

That's all there is to do.


  1. Great, I just install Presence on my Fedora 17.
    But.. I don't know how it work :D

    Is there a tutorial anywere ?


  2. Hey,
    I suppose I should write one :) Another thought is making this more obvious, anyhow ...
    Enter the preferences Menu (The gears icon, second from the right), and enable "Stream enabled" and "Publish enabled/name".
    Do the same on the second machine.
    Now press the telephone icon (first from the left) to choose where to display the discovered streams. Do this you both to have a bi-directional connection.

  3. Additionally: Adjust your firewall settings (if you know what to do) or turn of your firewall (sudo service iptables stop) for the time beeing.

  4. Thank you for your reply.
    I'll test asap !
